
SARS-CoV-2 // Spike Protein

Spike protein or peplomer protein is a protein that forms a large structure known as a spike or peplomer projecting from the surface of an enveloped virus.

Hold to see proteins open state
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This experiment uses the PDB data to visualise the structure of the infamous SARS-CoV-2's spike protein glycoprotein. It is heavily inspired by the Entagma tutorial by Dr. Jeroen Claus. It uses the 6vxx and 6vyb pdb data from PDB Protein Data Bank to demonstrate the open and close states of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein.

Lusion is an award winning multidisciplinary production studio. From creative to production, we collaborate with creative agencies and design studios to deliver compelling, real-time experiences, which go far beyond expectations.

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